As we continue to grow and evolve our programs, this occasionally leads to adjustments to our certification process. Our current certification process is as follows.
After successfully completing the Mindful Teacher Program, participants have the option of pursuing certification. Participants can submit a practicum teaching portfolio to demonstrate their integration of the course material and intention of the program in being an embodied, practicing mindfulness instructor.
The practicum teaching portfolio requires participants to teach a one full cycle of the Mindful Schools K-5 or Adolescent curriculum program to a classroom or organization. Participants must videotape one 15-20 minute lesson from this cycle, get 2 adult stakeholder observational post-program evaluations, student evaluations and fill out self-reflection summary sheets of their teaching of the lesson, overall mindful teaching goals and reflection on their personal practice growth. Participants have 1 calendar year after the program concludes to submit their portfolio. All practicum submissions are reviewed by the Mindful Schools Review Committee for qualification of certification. If participants are successful in passing certification, they can choose to submit a Certified Instructor listing for our Directory.